
short exerpt of development work for ‘cocoon’

surgir = emerge
_______________________emanation, emanare “flow out, arise, proceed,” from ex- “out” + manare “to flow,” from PIE root *ma- “damp.”

sur – over, above, beyond
gir – around, encircling
_________________________ GIRL


short exerpt of development work for ‘cocoon’

surgir = emerge
_______________________emanation, emanare “flow out, arise, proceed,” from ex- “out” + manare “to flow,” from PIE root *ma- “damp.”

sur – over, above, beyond
gir – around, encircling
_________________________ GIRL



sudari from Spanish = shroud

O.E. scrud “a garment, clothing,” from W.Gmc.

“cloth or sheet for burial”

“to clothe;” meaning “to hide from view, conceal”  shrouded; shrouding.

suds…. “dregs” (especially in East Anglia), “ooze left by flood”

M.Du. sudse “marsh, bog,” cognate with O.E. soden

soapy water


aria….. from It. aria, lit. “air.”



Excerpt from Nidus, a live sculpture and sound installation by Kate Buckley, Joana Cifre Cerda and Ross Oliver, performed at the opening evening of Neither Spit nor Diamonds at The Greestone Gallery, Lincoln.

live performance/sculpture/sound piece, by Ross Oliver, Kate Buckley and Joana Cifre Cerda



Nidus on the opening night of Neither Spit nor Diamonds, Greestone Gallery, Lincoln.